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   When we three sat on the sofa yesterday,
I was reminded of once upon a time
  where the equations were different.
I took myself on a journey back in time
   when I was nothing but a bundle in my mom's hands.
I don't remember anything from those days
  but photographs suffice-
 Of a beautiful mom in cream saree, tired yet proud
 and a 'once more beautiful' and 'then still beautiful'
 Grand mom in all her grandness,holding us tight.

  Years in motion,
    Old Age on hunt,
Grand mom fell prey.
Freckles and Grey hair,
   But still my adorable  SUPERMOM.

        I see another shot from past,
    of which I have memories.
    On this same sofa,we sat a dozen years back
    on my twentieth birthday.
My mom hugged me tight
  and my grand mom hugged me tighter.
We made a lovely three,with myself most comfortable 
  in a midst I would call Heaven.

Grandmom was becomin granny,
I knew from her face.
She clutched me tight,
Taking grip of a life she was losing hold of.
A shadow of life once lived,
she shrivelled into a bundle.
  A bundle of emotions dried up
  A bundle of memories crumbled
  A bundle of body systems waned.

Yesterday,we hugged her tight
Our precious bundle.
She did not identify her princess
or her darling angel
around which her life once revolved.
Senility hurts those around.
   As she sat between us, 
Tears filled our eyes.
I tried to pick her incoherent words.
Tears fell on my rounded belly
I could feel a move there.
Yes,my granny's message had been decoded there.



  1. I miss my grandmom....its a tribute to all moms around the world..:)

  2. memories come swarming in....
    loved it...:)
    those words speak for me too...
    keep going dear

  3. Thanks Neetha...thank u fr d encouraging words...:)

  4. Generations....a vicious circle...:)
    Keep it up Paru...njoyd it...:)


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