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A Valentine's Day note!

  As I sit and sip my milk coffee in a hotel somewhere in the centre of mainland India, I switch on my thinking self. Yeah, I often do that, maybe I even overwork on that mode. But it is unusually working at this hour. Today is February 14th. Oh I know what your expression must have been (Ohhh is it???? We didn t know!!!). Hmm...that day of the year to flaunt your lover, declare your love and what not. Valentine's Day for me in all its glory has always disappointed. No lover, no roses, no gifts, nothing. Thanks to the person I am. Maybe I put across myself as a very boring person. Sighs apart, I don't know if I am one. The truth stares at me from the cream walls. I have never celebrated a Valentine's Day not because my ideology considers it anti national but for the simple truth that I never had one. I ask myself, So? I don't know what is biting me at the moment. Is it that today is Valentine's day or I have nobody to wish one or something else. I know, I have to work, meet a few deadlines and return to myself at the end of the day.
   So for my Valentine, who is comfortably hiding somewhere, or wait, would he have made a wrong choice and ran away with someone (Peace be with him! I will not forgive him for that!) have an awesome day ahead as I will bury myself in paperwork, factory visits and more cups of coffee. On a cautionary note, earlier you find me, the better. I am getting older, shapeless and more sensible. Age is moulding me fast and sorry, I can't hide my wisdom anymore as grey strands are showing up. All these means more trouble for you as I might win arguments, make reasoned choices, and think for myself too...but I promise, only at times...because I still have a girl in me whom I keep in good spirits.
   I have finished my cup of coffee. It is a warm Tuesday morning. I am ready for my long day ahead. To all the lovers out there, celebrate, live, love and enjoy. To the lady in the mirror, eat, pray, work and sleep!
Good day folks!


  1. Farah,waiting could be a false statement, but I did miss your lovely nuggets of stories. I went back and read many of your earlier stories and poems and then it struck me what I was missing, that charm you bring to the everyday drab. Do keep writing, and do come up with the Rinku-Renu series, my personal favourites, so waiting . . .

  2. Hii Aravind...I don't know where I have lost them...will try to bring them back to life :) thanks a lot for making me pause, read a few ole ones and make me feel like to want to write.!


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