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I name you "Bundle"

The cold sweep of air
moved its fingers through my hair.
The chillness did not beat me harsh,
I walked
tired and lost
but strong at heart.
My bosom heaved in rhythm wild
I clutched the bundle in my hand.
It moved.I didn't.

In the darkest moments of my life
I lay the bundle on the roadside.
Near the grove of hope.
Dogs,keep away.
That is all I can say.
In the darkness of that night
I watch for a while,
I try to read its expression.
I am losing it forever,
but it does not seem to care.
Atleast not for now. is painful
Bundle is asleep.

No parting kisses
No lullabies
No hugs
No caresses
Hate me Bundle..Hate me...

I walk away
not into the streets lighted
but into passages congested
where my dreams are for sale.

A bundle I have lost,
Bundle I have lost.
Lost to live.
Bundle...Wrapped in tatters,
Bruised with a burden,
Showered with curses,
But blessed with a life.

Bundle,Live long.
For I have none,but thee.
I stop.
Not to walk back.
But to tell you.
I am going away,far away
for that's good,Bundle
for both you and me.


  1. know, every time my eyes came across the word "bundle", my heart grew weaker and weaker...( the poem should have come with a warning - sensitive hearts should be barred from reading this poem )

    "Bundle,Live long.
    For I have none,but thee." ....:)

    nothing left, except for the words choked in my heart :))

  2. @ Neetha...oh is it?...hmmm...1 reason y i came up with the title n usage "bundle" is to prove a point...i have often seen 'new moms' posting on FB "my bundle of joy"...n to me, it seems it was jus like givin vent to dt wt a different subject b/w..I thot "It moved.I didn't." would touch u more..Thats ma personal fav...nywas thank u dear for the valuable comments...:) as always, was eager n happy to read it..:)

  3. "my bundle of joy " ....well, there the bundle is not left alone, its a bundle of something/someone ..but the "bundle" in your poem has nothing to attach itself to :) neither joy, nor hope...really really nice dear :)

    a sense of piercing loneliness permeates the entire poem...n lol if i have to pick my favrt lines,

    "It moved.I didn't."

    "In the darkest moments of my life" ( the darkest moments )

    "Bundle,Live long.
    For I have none,but thee."

  4. heyy you dont have to explain why you chose the term "bundle" ..i was actually all praise for your choice of that word :)
    i couldnt comment on that yesterday( the reason, i mentioned before) :)

    am sorry if i got it wrong .( coz when i went through your comment for the second time, i felt you think i have some issue with the use of "bundle") :P

  5. hey Neetz...u have made my day!!!!!!! i agree wth ur take on bundle...waitin to read mre frm u..:)'claustrophobia' urged me to come up with a post...:)


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