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I told myself,no distractions.

The rains have just receded and the earth is still smelling fresh.Mmmmm...A blithe spirit would have enjoyed the mood of nature better,but not me.I told myself,no distractions.I am lying on my bed at this moment,wait wait....before I can complete that sentence,yes...I have changed my position.Now I am sitting in my cosy couch.Two throw pillows at my side,one at my there is a spring jutting out...hmm...It needs a repair.Never mind.I have again changed my position.This time,I am out in the open terrace.

"Smrithi,nee evida?" That was amma calling.Should I answer her or not answer her...(giggles)...act as if i didn hear her..

Well...well...dear stupid fellow,atleast open the book and start reading.Study hols are almost done and you will be undone..

"Richmond and Kew Undid me"...Study hols undid me.

I started reading...thinking...interpreting...grasping...

"He said,Marie,

Marie,hold on tight.And down we went."

The fall of aristocracy.


Chikku neeyende kaiyil pidichonnam.murukke pidichonam.nammal orumichchu thayottu chadum.ketto..and down they jumped from their compound wall.Chottu and Chikku were laughing and rolling in the sand.All was fun...

I told myself,no distractions.

I continued with my text.

"I will show you fear in a handful of dust."

Mortality of man.


chottu ende kaiyil ninnum adi medikumetto.mannil kalikallenne etra thavana paranjittunde.dey nokikke.kaiyile mannu kandoe.mannil kalikallennu paranjal...asugham varum kunje..Chottu and Chikku were made to wash their hands.They stopped playing and went inside.

I looked downstairs.There was no one there.

I told myself,no distractions.


  1. farah.....dear
    really i dnt knw wt to do..
    shud i praise u for dis brilliant(as always),sweet,'pregnant wth a grt philosophy'article :))or shud i go thru it again n again enoyin each n evry word.. lyk wt i am doing now..

    wt to do...

  2. at last.. 57days, bt its worth every dime for that long gap..

    it was like a short film, the movement of the narrative,i must say its brilliant, from classical musings, cut down to nostalgia (i cant stop imagining how the camera would move)..

    "I looked downstairs.There was no one there". the subtexts are fearfully evident. also the way, the spirit of wasteland is captured adds to it, waiting to tell the untold stories..

    "I have again changed my psoition" jus wanna ask u whether the spelling of position was playfully altered, anyway i must say sound does really echoes sense:)..

  3. hmm....i doubt that d green-eyed monster is lurking smwr in my mind telling "see,hw beautifully farah writes !!",:)

    haha..yaar..feeln proud f u...go on :)

  4. hey...both of u....thanks a lot...thanq thanq thanq....i m literally jumpin around....:)
    @aravind....i hav corrected the wasn intentional...nt yet ready fr such trials...:) was a long break...n i badly wantd to post smthn....
    @neetha...let the green eyed monster loose..i wd like to fight it....cos even i envy yours...come up wth one dear...m waitin...

  5. whoa! farah goodie good experiment...and a successful one too, way to go girl!!!:)...gawd! i regret that i dint get enuf time to interact properly with you guys...i dont really see any point in sayin more, i mean u hav moved way beyond that stage where u need someone to tel u wat u r writing is gud...

  6. :)Hey....thanx a lot..
    evn i do regret the fact dt i didn get to knw u all bettr..weep weep...nywas....
    move ur dreams...all the best..


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