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Red signal

The light turned red.From a distant land,shot into reality,Sam applied the brakes.The black Scorpio's tyres screeched.Friction held it back.The dark lanky traffic police looked uncomfortable with a 'who the hell man' look.Sam took a deep breath.
"I have no regrets.why should I?",Sam kept on telling himself.He searched his pockets for a cigarette and got one.He lighted it and took a puff.He felt a wave of relaxation soothening his tired muscles.

The light turned green.Feet on accelerator.20..40..60...80km/hr..The Scorpio zoomed.Straight roads lay ahead.No traffic to bother him much.But just one thought.Should he go back?Should he appologize?Should he seek one more chance?He pressed harder.

Chances come hard.She is leaving.
"Amy is leaving the town."The accelerator almost kissed the metal.
"Amy is leaving." The memories of Amy,once a force behind his being, was a 'parasite' feeding his thoughts.
"We have parted.Now why should I bother if she is leaving the town?"
The vehicle never stopped.It went faster and faster.
Leave me alone(s),I hate you(s),Goodbye for ever(s) floated around.

Suddenly the perfume of his Scorpio smelt different.A fragrance he could never forget.Amy's.
The more he tried to distance himself from Amy,the more she occupied his thoughts.To forget Amy meant to relive the past four years of his life.
Suddenly he felt he was again in her world.
Her face,her long hair,her smile,her words,her presence,her love,his life.
The black Scorpio came to a sudden halt.Tyres suffered but Sam had decided.He was going back."No,Amy can't leave me.She cannot go."

He turned his Scorpio to fly still faster.He checked the timer.In ten minutes the train will be leaving the station and so will Amy.Leaving him forever.
The vehicle raised against time.The traffic was not smooth.Brakes.First gear.Move.Second gear.Brakes.First gear..Eight minutes more.
Red light.
" can't be happening.."
The timer ticked.
"I wronged Amy.Wasn't she right?"Thoughts,thoughts and still thoughts.
Green light.
The race was again on and he managed his way into the car park at the railway station after seven minutes.
His life depended on it.He had to rush his way through to the platform.

The train had started moving.Slowly..
Sam ran along, searching for a face he wanted to call his,whom he never wanted to miss.
"Amy...Amy...the call was loud".He struggled to keep up his pace.
The train moved faster.
A familiar face among strangers.
"Amy,get down.Amy.."
Tears ran down the face that he had once caressed.
"I am sorry Amy.Come back.I need you...I need you Amy.I am sorry.I said I am sorry."
Still the face did not respond.
The platform ran into hard ground.
"Amy I can't...anymore.I am..."
He was almost out of breath.
"Amy,I love youuuuu....I am sorry for all I have done.You are a good girl.Amy,God bless...Bye.."

The train sped fast.The signal ahead shone red.


  1. it was nice bt dont knw y, it lacks the power of ur earlier ones (comes with expectations) and i feel its a bit cliched one.

    bt loved the middle part though..

  2. oh...
    dts a bit disappointing...hmm...
    never mind...
    bt thank u fr d frank will work on it....nd try to come out wth a better one...


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