Each step in precision made
to stumble not in the aisle way;
cynosure of all eyes,walk I
in a trembling yet composed self.
Smiles or stares,I cannot
mark.But all I know is,
the looks devour me.
My apparel in cream and gold
tears myself from me,
When chains around my neck
are nothing,but
bonds of suffocating threads.
What entertains them,
I know not.
Or is it the entire me?I wonder yon.
Flower girls by my side
lead me on
And all dear ones
girdle me strong.
When,from within,
a poor,timid heart
cries out in silence loud
"Yo!Only if I could run free."
Not an ear to spare a thought,
I still march on-
carrying with me
A thousand pieces of a crushed soul.
to a life I would exchange
for all the pleasures of life.
All I love is to be lonely and free,
To run wild through the misty mountain ways
to an untrampled spot
never found so mystic.
Will I echo my name far and near
to every spot of unheard bower
and let the crystals pure,
meandered through unseen lands
cool my face in an instant pure.
Let the fragrance deep
of blossoms wild
skip my beat, a second while.
All I pray is
to spend my days with thee.
But now on,each step
forward,the noose tightens.
I am enchained
by bonds of mazed love.
Only if I could run free.
He smiles at me,but
forgot I,how to.
All I want is,to run free
Not,I love thee less
But,I love my Abode more.
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