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" Shall i call thee,me? "

The girl smiled at me quite co-ordially.I immediately noticed her.An unseen bond tied us together.I wanted to break free.But she would not let me go .Her face was familiar deep down the memory lane,but not clear enough to recognize her.I simply stopped and gazed at her.So did she.
She looked thin and frail.Her eyes were sunken,deep in pain.Her nose was long ,standing like a failed fortress.Her lips were pale.The brightness long lost,her face was stale among fresh faces.She tried to call out to me.But her voice did not reach me.I moved a bit close.So did she.
She was now a bit near ,but i could not feel her breath ,yet i could see her tears.One,two,three...down they rolled.Her pain was killing me too.The suffocation in my chest gave way to a sigh and then more tears.I rubbed my tears.So did she.
We did not wait to talk to each other.I did not want to listen to her.I knew why she was crying.The excruciating agony was piercing my heart.I jus turned back and walked.So did she.
Three steps away,I once again looked back at her.So did she.Suddenly I asked, " Shall I call thee,me ?" Three steps away,inside the mirror the girl stared at me,with tears in her eyes.Silence spoke,"Yes,thee shall. "


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