Hectic would be the best word to define life these days.I believe that the concept of 'survival of fittest' is more apt today.Man has changed a lot.The busy schedule of life is in a state of dynamics,trying to accomodate still more and in its course has pulled in, its very basic elements...individuals into a churning machinery,where man at the end of the day is a drained body of flesh and blood.If once we used to complain of monotony in the static way of life,now we have more reasons to complain and fret about.A mere 24 hours can produce a 'will take 48 hours' result because man has been trained to suit himself to this computer age where he himself is an automated machine that feeds on air,food and water..At the ring of the alarm,wakes the scientific age man and the rest automatically falls into place.He moves about,talks,does this,does that,what not...but sans emotions.Where should man search for it?In the screen of your computer..or the cabin of your office..or the st...
Celebrating the self with a different beat! In each breath, each step.