When we sit down to start somthin afresh, plenty of thoughts shoot across our minds...ideas pour in,infact they drench us..concepts choke us..images fascinate us..reflections pamper us..so many little things bother us and we are spoilt for the perfect beginning...(jus like the disastrous start i had wth ma blog-minutes b4, i had typed ma first post....bt deleted it[of course,UNKNOWINGLY!]...the worst possible start for a beginner)...and our brain exercises....but somewhere...the vacuum seeps in...and the connection is lost...nothin materialises .....and v r left,where v started....everythin afresh,but thoughts exhausted..
All this while, i was wondering how to go around wth ma frst topic...what to type...in what way to type....all these whats and whys and hows bother any beginner and i am no xcption...bt its not anythin new...cos i often come across such 'special moments' when i sit down to pen ma thoughts for competitions..even half an hour from the strike of the bell...ma paper would be blank...courtesy the ongoin cold war b/w ma pen and ma thoughts...my pen all set to break free while ma thoughts still searchin for better ideas and ways to xpress and impress....
It is then that ma patience level starts to get tested..jus like, as it is now...cos till now,i havn typed anythin solid....well,i was thinkin..what shd fill ma blogs...what shd breath life into it??imaginations or thoughts or fancies or knowledge or experience or stories...hmm...it takes time..gotta decide...nd it is this inability to decide ma decision on how to get started,that i call, A STARTER'S BLOCK!!!
hey and the irony is.....i have got enough stuff for my first post..hehee..
All this while, i was wondering how to go around wth ma frst topic...what to type...in what way to type....all these whats and whys and hows bother any beginner and i am no xcption...bt its not anythin new...cos i often come across such 'special moments' when i sit down to pen ma thoughts for competitions..even half an hour from the strike of the bell...ma paper would be blank...courtesy the ongoin cold war b/w ma pen and ma thoughts...my pen all set to break free while ma thoughts still searchin for better ideas and ways to xpress and impress....
It is then that ma patience level starts to get tested..jus like, as it is now...cos till now,i havn typed anythin solid....well,i was thinkin..what shd fill ma blogs...what shd breath life into it??imaginations or thoughts or fancies or knowledge or experience or stories...hmm...it takes time..gotta decide...nd it is this inability to decide ma decision on how to get started,that i call, A STARTER'S BLOCK!!!
hey and the irony is.....i have got enough stuff for my first post..hehee..
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